Crabtree Falls

Monday, January 19, 2015

Headland Experiences A Strike

Every now and then, when I'm digging up some old documents, I discover aspects of "the old days" that just make me cringe - literally cringe.  This article, which was written in the early 1900s, is an example.  It was a time when women couldn't vote and when blacks were described as "dusky."  And for the majority of whites, who were mostly poor in the South back then, those days were far from great.  How could people truly imagine a brighter future when their minds and wallets were in shackles?  It was a real challenge.  And yet there were people of that era who thought and acted differently!  I truly respect those who not only saw some light, but had the audacity to help us all walk down a new path.  Each day, let's reflect on where we came from, and the good fortune to be living in 2015.  At the same time, however, imagine a better place and do your part to bring it about.  Don't think we're not also shackled in some form!


Anonymous said...

Mr Major and Miss Edith--I worked at Espy/Griffin Gin during cotton picking season and he would come by everyday and check on us. Mr Fred Griffin was kinda laid back and during slack times we would sit down, but for some reason we always got up and started sweeping when we saw Mr Major coming. He would say "Fred, I don't know about you, but I can't pay them for sitting around"

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. That's the most politically incorrect thing I have ever read, but I am sure it was perfectly fine in the day. Sad so sad. Aside from the vernacular, calling them "dusky". ..not to mention their $0.75 per day pay. What year was this?