Crabtree Falls

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Kade's Treat

One of the best things about being married to Kade is that she really enjoys cooking and baking. And I like to eat!  What makes it even better is that she's very eager to try new recipes.  And I like variety!  A couple of weekends ago, when my sister Leslie was in town, Kade made a Swiss Cake Roll with Lemon Curd and Whipped Cream, every bit homemade.  We had it back-to-back nights, and I think most thought it was even better night two.  It certainly complemented the delicious meals my brother served.  Leslie texted us when she got back:  "I can tell Kade loves to bake by the way she talks about it!  We loved that cake roll, and I want to get the recipe.  It was so light and refreshing."  The lemon curd recipe was Ina's (Barefoot Contessa).  It's here.  The sponge cake recipe came from one of Kade's friends, and can barely be deciphered, since it's scribbled down.  In fact, it's mostly just in Kade's head now.  In time, I may try to add these to recipes to Kade's cooking blog, which you can find a link for in the right sidebar.  One other little story regarding this cake roll:  Kade had it done, but seemed a bit panicky because it was bigger than depicted online.  We laughed a bit.  But then we figured it out. Kade had put more filling than was actually called for.  I told Kade, "One thing Americans and my family don't mind is a little extra filling.  It will be better this way."  Sure enough.

a few photos from Leslie's visit


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