Crabtree Falls

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hair Mysteries

As I age gracefully, one thing becomes increasingly clear: more hair emerges down below than up top. I make the most of it!

Google Earth, Google Head - January 2008

Kade took this photo while I was engaging in my morning prayers (or perhaps readying myself for my daily nap).  This might as well have been a high-zoom satellite image of downtown Birmingham - all my vulnerabilities are exposed.  If you can enlarge this photo, you can see an picture on the wall of my grandfather, Major. Incidentally, for those who have been keeping up, that's a shot of him getting set to go on his journey to Russia.  Back to the point..... I inherited my shaggy head of hair from Major.  Of course, it didn't help that his wife's clan didn't have a single male with hair at the time they hit thirty.  My odds of overcoming this genetic catastrophe were virtually nil.  My only remedy has been to go the way of Bruce Willis and Michael Jordan: shave everything and hope that the distraction works!  Featured on the right, at the base of the window, is an encased tarantula.  The tragedy is that the eight-legged spider has more hair on its back and legs than I do my head.  Well, on the plus side, at least I'm alive.  Perhaps my prayers are working?!?