Crabtree Falls

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good Boy, Will

This fabulous movie gets played over and over on Bravo, much to my satisfaction (but much to Kade's chagrin).  Here are youtube videos of my top scenes. Scene 2 (below) is actually how I came up with the name for this blog and my travel blog.


Danny T. said...

great movie. the bar scene is my personal favorite, "how do you like them apples".

Anonymous said...

great movie. I lived in South Boston the street where the R.William's character lived. My first apartment in Boston... Anyway, I love Boston and loved the movie. I personally like the scene in the park as well as the bar scene where bartender knows the real name of the unibomber who was also a genious gone mad. And the place where the first date kiss happens "Tasty" across Harvard Unv. square used make the greasiest burgers and sandwiches I know of. To my disappointment, I believe it is closed now :-( - NILGUN