Crabtree Falls

Monday, June 4, 2012

Espy Fertilizer Company

The Wiregrass Farmer
January 29, 1925

The Wiregrass Farmer
March 29, 1928
(clipped article below)

J.J. Espy, Sr.
The Wiregrass Farmer
March 29, 1928

The Wiregrass Farmer
November 21, 1935
(almost a year to the date after J.J. Espy, Sr. died in auto accident)

Th Wiregrass Farmer
February 20, 1936


Dec. 1937

Feb. 1941


l to r:  Clarence Cunningham, Oyette Adams, Lorell Cherry, A.S. Hodges, Ennis Royals, and Major W. Espy, Sr.

Wiregrass Farmer
January 31, 1952

The Abbeville Herald
January 31, 1952

The Wiregrass Farmer
February 7, 1952

"Our new modern plant"

Dec. 3, 1953


Feb. 1958


Fran Vann with son, Sam Vann III.  See the ad on the side of building.



Uncle Watty (on right) with the ACLU's Henry Schwarzschild.  Circa 80s


At the 2:40 mark, Dad talks about one of the old EFC bags.

This is a video I made on my most recent trip to Headland.  My cousin Natalie joined Kade and me on this romp around the old fertilizer plant and grounds.  Warning:  The commentary is borderline silly!  One of the most interesting shots I was able to get is of the Methodist church cemetery, taken from inside the plant. 


Anonymous said...

Allen - you do a terrific job with your blog, your videos, etc.!!! Beverly

Anonymous said...

I’m thrilled to hear of your interest in chronicling family history. You have much fertile ground to till! About the Cock of the Walk Plant…I have no data but I do see it often because as you know, it’s just across from the Methodist Cemetery and my dad is the informal grounds’ manger of this site! When I’m in LA, we always visit and typically he tells me of all the family connections on the grounds. When next you go south, I’d urge you to take him there for a stroll-around. Although many of your deceased relatives are east in the Baptist plot, more are in the Methodist resting grounds! Bill Vann, Feb. 2008