Crabtree Falls

Friday, August 2, 2013

Our Angel

This portrait of Mother is from her early high school years.  My sister Leslie told me our grandparents Victor and Dot had this hanging in their home in Shorterville, AL.  I know they had to be very proud of it.  The portrait just below is of Mother when she was a baby.  To the right is a tray that belonged to Mother.  If something had birds on it, she got it.  She also loved floral designs, fruit artwork and anything to do with squirrels.  One of Mother's favorite colors was purple, so I bought a big purple angel to represent her.  I think of her watching over Kade and me, the two small angels!

Knowing Mother, she'd get a big laugh out of seeing a creepy bobble head doll of Lizzie Borden next to her picture!

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