Crabtree Falls

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Eleven Years.......

Why am I holding the flowers?  I did what they told me!
For more of our wedding pictures, click here.
During Dad's last few weeks and months, my favorite times were when he was getting ready to fall asleep or take his afternoon naps, and I would just go back to his bedroom and lie down next to him.  It was something he wanted.  By this point he was on plenty of morphine, of course.  But still you could have good talks with him.  Once, Dad started talking about Granddad Major, and what he'd be thinking about us all.  I asked him, "Dad, don't you think Granddad Major was a pretty good businessman and took some risks to get what he had?  He said, "Oh, yes."  And I said, "Well, I think he'd kind of admire the fact I've traveled the way I have, and he'd be even more impressed that I ended up marrying a woman like Kade, finding her in some faraway land - a pretty high ROI (return on investment) that required some big risks."  Dad smiled, agreed with me and then we talked some more.  I also shared how Kade has some of Deedee's best qualities, and how that would make Granddad Major very proud. Dad knew exactly what I was talking about, and certainly understood what an asset Edith was to Major. 

If at first sight a girl does not make such a deep impression on a person that she awakens the ideal, then ordinarily the actuality is not especially desirable.  But, if she does, then no matter how experienced a person is he usually is rather overwhelmed.  - Søren Kierkegaard

This is where we're having our anniversary dinner this evening.  Check out their fabulous menu.  We enjoyed it so much on Kade's birthday, it's now time to go back.

Kade's favorite song.

Below are some images of a second anniversary surprise I did for Kade.  I was in the USA, and she was in Bangkok.  We were apart for a few months. I had to come up with something memorable.  Since then, I have never been able to top it.  Not even Madonna came close!  On down the road I will explain just what plan I concocted.

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