Crabtree Falls

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Abbeville High School, Class of 1942

Am so sorry for being "months" late, but I promised to respond to this photo of the newly named Abbeville High School in 1942.   Of course, as I told you earlier, Charles Hayes, my brother-in-law, was a member of this class.

I do know and remember several of these folks.
  • Lucille Adams Wills--wife of W.C. Wills, lived in "downtown" Shorterville till moving to Abbeville in early '50s.  Her oldest daughter, Betty, was a classmate of mine, and we graduated together.   Betty's brother, George, was in your mother's class.  Miss Lucille, now, 94, still lives in Abbeville, and George moved in with her a couple years ago.
  • Edgar Killebrew was also born and raised in Shorterville, but moved to Ft. Gaines, Ga, either in the 30's or 40's.  He too now is in his 90's, and lives in Abbeville.    He also, along with his brother Ralph, is a WWII vet.  Very, very good folks.
  • James Earl Mobley lived just a few miles below Shorterville, not for below Victor, Dorothy and your mother.   He passed several years ago, but was also a WWII vet.  He became a strong force, politically, and was very involved in D.C., in mostly the agricutural arm of gov't.  His son Jimmy still lives on the home place.
  • Mildred Linn also lived in this same area, just below Shorterville, only a few miles below your mother.   She worked for many years at the ASCS office in Abbeville.    A dear, sweet lady.....still living, but not sure where she lives right now - maybe still at the homeplace.
  • Victor Hutto, another WWII vet, has been deceased many years now.  He was born and raised just "across the creek" from Shorterville, going towards Abbeville.   He was brother to Pete Hutto, who is the daddy of Billy Hutto, our son in law!   Billy, by the way, served in the Navy for 20 years, and was a pilot.
  • Marvin Barnes, another WWII vet, was born and raised in the same area, just below Shorterville - still lives there.   He was a very influential farmer and agricultural leader.   He has a son, Pete Barnes.
  • Perryman Mobley, who you may know, lived below Shorterville, and married Rose Ezzell, another graduate of that class.  Perryman died some 7-8 years ago, but Miss Rose still lives on their homeplace.   He was an avid farmer and veteran as well.  Perryman's son, Perry, is married to Charlotte Hayes - Charles' daughter, my niece, and your cousin!
  • Rose Ezzell, as I just mentioned, is Perry Mobley's mother, and still lives on the farmstead that she and Perryman loved so much.   Rose lived in the Abbeville area, as far as I can remember.
  • And, finally, but not least, Mildred Searcy.   Mildred went on to college and made one of the most influential and most remembered teachers ever to come from Henry county.   She is from Abbeville.  She was a very disciplined teacher, with her first job being at the Shorterville Elementary School.  This school burned down when I was in the 3rd grade!  Mildred taught me while at Shorterville, and then when going to Abbeville in the 5th grade, she taught me there.    She was a devoted math and algebra teacher, and she made a definite impression on our young lives.   Mildred is till living and a very important part of Abbeville and the Methodist church there.
There are several more in the pic that I remember somewhat and met when going around everywhere with my daddy.   These mentioned, though, are the ones I knew most all my life.  Sorry if it ran a little long, but I wanted you to know I had not forgotten telling you I would do this----eventually.

I know a couple of these are "kinfolk" to you.  And there may be more.  Take care and keep up the good work.

Robert Edward Phillips

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