Crabtree Falls

Friday, September 20, 2024

Dog and Pony Show

Too many American people are divided and squabbling over ideology and politics.  Just watch TV.  Why folks won't say with confidence, "I'm independent" and then learn to examine positions based on evidence, reason and clear-headedness is incredible to me.  You are a big one-party person and I think it shows with just how irrational you can be sometimes.  It's herd thinking, if you want to call it thinking.  You're young, so it's not like you're a 50 year-old that's been brainwashed and can't seem to use good thinking skills.  However, as time passes, you will become that.  I want to encourage you to use good critical thinking skills on all matters, especially political.  I need to do so, too.  We are all vulnerable.  Unfortunately, we have been conditioned to squabble and get emotional, like we do over football, and it's one reason the two-headed system (dems and repubs) keeps doing the same dog and pony show.  - thoughts I shared with someone in 2008

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