Crabtree Falls

Friday, April 21, 2017

When Squirrels Cry

On the one-year anniversary of Prince's death, I decided that it was time to unveil the purple squirrel. I got this brown squirrel from my mother's things  It used to be in one of her flower beds.  It had rusted, and was generally on hard times.  I went to ACE Hardware and bought a scrubbing pad and some deruster.  Once all the flakes were off and the surface was fairly smooth, I had to go back to ACE to pick out a paint.  At first I was going to redo it brown, it's original color.  But then there was the purple!  I'm guessing I was at least the only person that day to ask the ACE helper if purple gloss would work, and if he thought it might be a good way to honor the late pop star, Prince.  He smiled and said, "I bet so!"  

My sister, who was (and is!) a big Prince fan, is forever linked to The Purple One!  Call it fate.  Call it destiny.........But Prince died on my sister's birthday, bless her heart.

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