Crabtree Falls

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Sun Has Set

If I had to pick my favorite photos of 2019, it would be these four.  In the first couple, we're standing there looking at the sunset through the trees, not knowing that a few feet over to the right would be an opening with a much better view.  There's a lesson there.  Sometimes simply repositioning yourself or just being a little more curious can reveal even greater wonders.  Although you can and should enjoy whatever you're experiencing, don't think it's everything.  Life is just that way.

The sun is setting on 2019....and a decade!  I lost both my parents this past decade.  Kade lost her sister a few years ago, and just recently her father.  Those have been some tremendous heartaches, no doubt, and it's taken time to recover and adapt to not having them around.  Despite that, so much good has happened.  I have learned so much about my family through this blog and gathering research for it.  I have met cousins I never knew, and I have gone deep into subjects.  Been fun mostly.  Very invigorating and eye-opening.  Kade and I have also been able to travel to some amazing places:  Asia, Europe, South America, unique destinations in the USA.  And yet what I really enjoy the most is just hanging out with Kade and eating all her wonderful dishes.  My god, she can cook.   And the variety is crazy!  I also am happy exploring this wonderful city with Kade, whether it's finding new cocktail bars, sampling the latest restaurants or seeking out fantastic rooftop views.  And it's a joy just hiking with Kade - being in beautiful nature with her.  We have marveled at some gorgeous sunsets and hiked miles to reach some spectacular waterfalls.  Of course, you have to already know about my passion for bears!  Most often, Kade's in the car with me when we drive a few roads where we know there's a decent chance we can see them.  I never take bear sightings for granted.  They really are majestic creatures, and so graceful.  I usually take the videos, and Kade does more of the photography.  She also has a very good eye!  We can be riding along, when I hear her say, "Uh-oh."  I know what that means!  Lastly, as the year and decade come to a close, I want to say that I am so very fortunate to be the same city with my brother and his family and friends.  It makes Asheville even more special.

I made an exception and decided to keep this bear!

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