Crabtree Falls

Thursday, July 22, 2021


If you can't make that out, it reads:  Eat The Rich.  

Very unfortunate that last summer's protests led some to destroy property.  I walk by this fence at least once a week.  Bears wander through and play in the very big yard.  They have one helluva garden to explore.  The bamboo fence posts sometimes get knocked down by bears determined to get in there.  I excuse bears.  But humans?!  We're supposed to be more intelligent.  A monument that perhaps needs to come down?!?  I can grasp that.  But defacing property (private or public), and certainly looting (stealing) is counterproductive - embarrassing even.  And those who do it, I hope they are caught and punished.  Protesting is good.  Do more of it.  But use your brains.  The disappointing thing about this particular fence being vandalized is that I sometimes see the homeowner out repairing the bamboo damaged by the bears.  One time, as he was working on it, bears were right behind him.  And he knew it.  He just kept at it.

on same walk

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