Crabtree Falls

Monday, November 15, 2021

Bears & Drinks

This is another Rambutan Martini - the best one yet.  We made it last night when Kade cooked some Thai dishes for her friend.  I got that bear head puppet in Portsmouth, NH. 

Prior to drinks and dinner we took Kade's friend to see bears.  We saw a bunch!

This is one of the biggest bears I've seen in Asheville.  In the video, I left in my "shout" to a guy who was running out of his house, with his phone camera on and pointing towards the bear.  He was about to cross the road to get really close to the bear.  I wasn't really concerned about the guy's safety.  It was just this idea he was potentially going to frighten the bear and force it off a spot where it was clearly just feeding.  The bear was in an ultra-relaxed mode.  I get it when people get excited when there's a bear in the vicinity.  I get that way, too.  However, if you want to do what's right for the bear and for your own safety, it's good to stay calm - in this case, match this bear's energy.  This time of year, especially, bears just want to graze.  They are trying to fatten up.  Let them be.  And in most cases, you can photograph and video them from safe distances.  Click here for BearWise tips.

November 15th is Kade's birthday.  This post is dedicated to her!

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