Crabtree Falls

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Robert Edward Solomon

Mr. Robert Solomon & Miss Blanche Louise Reynolds get married (June 1920)

The Abbeville Herald
June 24, 1920

This is the page that has the wedding write-up.


May 1935

Feb 1940



June 1948

Robert Edward Solomon
Headland Mayor (1943-1948)

Jan 1952

July 1957

a few slides from the Sam Vann, Sr. collection

I think that's a reflection of Sam Vann, Jr. taking the photo.  Next to him is Blanche.  Over to the left, in the white short-sleeve shirt, is Bob Solomon.

Not exactly sure who these two are.

Bob and Blanche

Solomon siblings (year?)
(L-R) Front: Sid Eva, Kate, Mamie, Corinne Back: Curtis, Bob
(Ralph Solomon and William Solomon had already died)


(L-R) Uncle Curt, Aunt Co, Grandmother Vann and Uncle Bob
circa '70s

July 3, 1980



Click here for more of the Solomons buried at the Headland Methodist Cemetery.

And for more on the Solomon family lineage, click here.

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