Crabtree Falls

Friday, June 16, 2023

Lake Forest Ranch

The Winston County Journal
February 18, 1987


This is part of an e-mail to a family member years ago.  We were reminiscing about Lake Forest Ranch.

You know, to this day, I remember my cabin leader, who was one of the counselors: Tom Ewing.  I recall, when it was one-on-one counseling time, asking jokingly if he was related to Patrick or J.R..

We played ping pong and heard scary tales out by the lake, but there was also the fire and brimstone evangelist who led our big group meetings.  I remember walking back from one of the evening rallies and you said that your parents (maybe just your mom) said you were already a Christian and you didn't need to feel compelled to make another kind of decision.  Maybe it was just me, but I felt very moved  by what I was feeling from the talks and everything.  How did you feel then?

 I remember going home and reading the Bible cover-to-cover.  Well, I started anyway!  I remember lying on the sofa and reading, starting with Genesis.  I had a buzz from that.  Really, it was sheer elation.  I also remember my mom walking in as I was reading and commenting on how much better I behaved after coming back.  I was a very sweet kid anyway.  She was just showing encouragement.  Very loving.

Also, do you remember on the way the camp when we stopped at Wendy's and I took a straw a blew ketchup onto a window while trying to blast a fly?  I didn't think it would make that kind of a mess!  I also remember losing $20 (or forgetting it) and Cecil (our youth leader) bailing me out.  $20 was big money back then.

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