Crabtree Falls

Monday, March 6, 2023

Public, Private, Secret

 These are our personas.

“I think everybody has a public persona. We all present ourselves.”

— Bob Odenkirk

Private is how we're seen and what people know from within our family or tight circle of friends.

The secret persona is the one that only you know about.  Or, if you're a spiritual person, you might say only you and your god know this.

When there's a big gap between our public persona and private personas, it reveals hypocrisy to others and ourselves (if we're honest) and creates a lot of inner-tension (cognitive dissonance).  And in order to cope with this inconsistency, we often tune it out....or try.   Maybe we stay overly busy, maybe we turn to alcohol or drugs, maybe there's greater religious fervor, or maybe there's an addiction to social media.  In a culture like I was raised in, obsessive sports watching and fanaticism can produce a momentary escape.  These momentary escapes can be more permament outlet when there are no breaks in-between.  Keep it going, keep it going, keep it going....and time goes on.  Overeating and not looking after yourself is another way to emotionally feel better in the short-term.  Food is good.  We need to eat.  And if you live in the US, or especially in the South or Midwest, there's a lot of overeating.  Unless somebody has a true health problems (thyroid issues, for ex), this abuse to our bodies is a clear sign to others that there's unhappiness, inner conflict or maybe some unresolved trauma in that person's life.  Therapy, good friends and relationships and a healthier surrounding environment can help us.   - my thoughts

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Mahatma Gandhi

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