Crabtree Falls

Tuesday, March 14, 2023


Back in 1990, while visiting my brother in Atlanta, one evening in his kitchen we listened to a radio interview of The Juiceman, Jay Kordich.  I took up juicing pretty quickly after that.  In Birmingham, during my college years, I would buy 25 pound bags of carrots at a health food store in Homewood, and I would juice them, usually with apples.  I also attended a Juiceman seminar (Kordich wasn't there) at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC).  For at least a couple of years, I was really committed to juicing.  This healthy habit got interrupted when I went overseas, but then I attempted to pick it back up while living in Dothan, Aabama in the 90s.  Even my mother started juicing!  I got her into it.  At some point, cleaning the machine became too much of a hassle.  Many years passed without doing my own juicing.  Fast forward to our first few years in Asheville:  Kade and I bought a Juiceman Junior machine.  We gave it a good attempt for a year or two, then decided it took too much effort to clean.  And to dry it, took up a lot of space.

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