Crabtree Falls

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Ozark City Bank

This post is primarily just to show the orginal building itself - how it got it built and what it looks like today.  Later on, I will share stories on what became of the bank.

 Ozark, Alabama

William Garner, founder & president
James Newton Fussell, architect & contractor

The Ozark Tribune
October 6, 1903

The Southern Star
September 13, 1904

The Southern Star
September 13, 1904

The Southern Star
December 13, 1911

The Southern Star
June 1, 1927

See it?


Click here and scroll for a couple of close-up images of the bank entrance/exterior.

William Garner married my cousin, Mary Ellyfair Carroll.
James Newton Fussell married my cousin, Marjorie Carroll.
Mary & Marjorie were sisters.

Click here to learn more about William Garner.

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