Crabtree Falls

Monday, May 22, 2023

Save Downtown Asheville 1980

What amazing courage she had!  Asheville needs more outspoken and couragous voices today.

A few years ago, a lady in my hiking goup, from Connecticut, told a few of us, "Don't let Asheville become like Connecticut."  She was referring to Hartford primarily.  She mentioned trash and grafitti, and how it had changed the city.  Sadly, about five years ago, Asheville started moving in that direction.  I recall pointing out some things I was seeing.  Three years ago, starting in the summer of 2020, it got a lot worse.  And what I noticed, a lot of people who were "progressive" - in my mind, progressive in a good way - sat back and watched.  Didn't care, or froze in fear.   I would encourage people to pull up the Asheville city council website.  Study it.  Tell me what you learn.

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