Crabtree Falls

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Your Closet

I have some great relationships with certain family and friends, and over the years talking things out has been a way to work through some of life's challenges.  Sometimes I'm seeking advice.  Sometimes I'm giving it.  Here's a little gem I shared back in my thirties with somebody desiring to express their true thoughts and ideas with others in a culture where there can be a great price to pay for that. 

A Christian would say that was your dark night of the soul.  A freethinker would say you were, in the words of Eminem, "cleaning out your closet."  The more honest we can be, the more satisfying life is in many respects.  If you had continued playing the game, you would be suffering more in silence and it would spill over into other areas of your life.  I think all the passive aggression we see is just that.  That's what happens to folks in places like (insert hometown of choice).  People keep their rebellious thoughts (intelligence, really) to themselves.  Tragic.  I say, if God gave us a brain, we should use it fully.  I think heaven and hell are here on this earth and we can make it what we want.

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