Crabtree Falls

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Heimlich Maneuver


I used to chomp on ice when I was kid.  It's not great for teeth, but nobody stopped me.  I guess sucking on it would have been better!  I remember once, just after my dad left the house to go out to the farm to check cows, I got a cube of ice - a big cube.  Not sure how I got it, looking back.  Anyway, in it went!  Just as tried to bite into it, it went down my windpipe and got lodged.  For a moment, I couldn't breathe!  Luckily, my mother was at the kitchen sink washing dishes.  She said I was suddenly quiet.  I also have a memory of a sibling being with me and getting Mother's attention.  She said she knew what the problem was.  She jumped into action and gave me the Heimlich Maneuver.  Up came the ice!  I cried and cried.  I thought I was going to die.  Mother, by that point, had sat down at the kitchen desk.  She hugged me and said it was all okay.  And I promised - on my own - that I would never eat ice again!

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