Crabtree Falls

Friday, August 9, 2024

Be Content

All wins feel great or even the same.  Moving out of your home and into your first apartment makes you as happy as the new home you buy 15 years later.  Same for a car.  Your first one might be as satisfying as the more expense model you buy years later.  Basically, we can be very content - and miserable - under a wide range of circumstances.  Michael Jackson, Robin Williams, and Elvis had everything, but they were still miserable to the point of slowly dying by suicide or outright doing it.

The point is: Be content with your walks, a good night's sleep, trips to the fish market, travel experiences and hopes for new ones, the cup of coffee you enjoy, the tail you've had and some that might come your way, etc..  I think if we can be content with the little, that's a victory in life.

- part of an e-mail I shared with a friend

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