These are some notes I made back in the early 2000s (2002?) during the buildup to the invasion of Iraq. We think there's chaos and anxiety now? But don't you remember?!? Interesting how over time we push things aside, ignore the obvious and even pretend that everything was just okay. And in the end, there was never even any accountability. Why is that? We're not talking small issues here.
I remember watching Senator Byrd on C-Span, and another time, a Larry King interview he did. My mother and I watched the King interview together. I was sitting in the den with her while on a return visit from Thailand.
Words of Senator Robert Byrd
He (G. W. Bush) talks like man who has stopped listening.
A president of the US cannot stop listening.
Talking is better than fighting.
This administration is the most partisan ever.
What’s the cost? Financial, image
More than half Americans believe that at least one of the 9-11 attackers was Iraqi.
To ask is to be unpatriotic. Congress is failing. Not enough debate.
I serve with presidents, not under them. It would do no good for the President to lobby me.
“If you don’t, we will.” (G. W. Bush) No credibility. The world doesn’t trust us.
He doesn’t understand separation of powers. He gets the wrong advice. Secretive.
Doesn’t tell the American people the truth on the costs of the war.
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