Crabtree Falls

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What a Wonderful World

In the video, Aunt Marilyn with her firstborn, Melanie; my siblings Leslie and Mark; and then some surprises near the end.
According to my dad -who is holding the Readers Digest in front of his face - this was Valentine's Day 1969.  Melanie was born 01.15.69.  Mother and Daddy married 12.27.69..  Allen, at this point, we were but a dream.  Watching this video takes me back to that place & time.  To all memories of every holiday in that house:  Allen Espy & his big bird on Major's exercise bike, Watty teasing us....lining up for pictures.  Hand painted, hand blown Easter eggs.  Glorified Brownies.  The Great OJ war.  Miss mother & Marilyn et al more than words can say. The memories are priceless... "And I think to myself...What a wonderful world."   - Natalie Espy Woods 

1 comment:

Sylvia Elwyn said...

This is such a nice memory- great that you had movies of your family. We have tons of pictures but few videos.