Crabtree Falls

Friday, October 8, 2021

Three More Varieties

Our plan was to jump up and finish walking the rest of the town, down along the harbor.  We did just that.  When we were going into one store, I saw a lady wearing a Biltmore House Christmas shirt.  I had to ask her about it, of course.  She and her husband had driven up to Maine from Louisiana.   Along the way, they stopped in Asheville.  Said they enjoyed the Biltmore estate.

These were in the front yard of Enchantments, a fascinating and quirky metaphysical shop.

Crying because my cousin's favorite food shack is closed for the season.

Had a nice time talking with a shop owner in her seventies.  Very nice lady.  She and her husband spend winters in Boston to have easy, quick access to medical care. 

Outside the shop, I talked with an older couple from Annapolis, Maryland.  They drove up in their RV with their German Shepherd.  I shared about a recent bear incident on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  It involved a German Shepherd.  They said that had been to Asheville, and liked it.

I got a half-dozen - three more varieties.  After that, I got another half-dozen.  The guy who shucked them for me - Andy Rogers - recently won an oyster shucking competition in Wellfleet, MA (see below).
Andy Rogers at work.  Click here to learn about his traveling raw bar business.

The family behind me was from Chicago.  They flew to Maine.  The young daughter actually shucked an oyster faster than I ever could!  Humbling, and funny.

Some images with Kade's Nikon

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