Crabtree Falls

Monday, June 5, 2023

Love This Movie

and Love This Scene.

Sometimes people barely leave their state or region and have never traveled outside the country, and yet, they toss around ideas - with such certainty - they have gotten from the news, a particular book or a Netflix series.  You name it.  "There's nothing for me over there." "Our poor are better off than the middle class other places." "They have no sense of morality."  I have heard it all.  The scene in this brilliant movie is not really about travel.  Robin Williams' character just uses it as an example to show Will Hunting he doesn't truly know anything and that his defensiveness, anger and projecting certainty have a lot to do with trying to safeguard the "comforting" bullsh*t he tells himself.  When you have to admit you don't know something, well, it's humbling and can even be crushing, especially when our most cherished beliefs get examined.  And so, when pushed, you may double-down on your absurdities or you may start asking some questions.

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